Filter Profile Service
Carlos Rodrigo
A repository of Filter information for the VO.
Grant PID2020-112494GBI00 funded by
Astronomy (7911)Planetary science (616)Earth Obs. (2452)

NewHorizons :New Horizons is a NASA mission designed to fly by Pluto and its moon Charon and transmit images and data back to Earth. It will then continue on into the Kuiper Belt where it will fly by a one or more Kuiper Belt Objects and return further data.
NewHorizons/ALICE :ALICE: The Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph aboard the New Horizons Pluto-Kuiper Belt Missionid:NewHorizons/ALICE.a

NewHorizons/ALICE.airglow_v01022.161143.79 530.411870.00675.04  NewHorizonsALICENew Horizons ALICE airglow eff. area (v.004)
NewHorizons/ALICE.airglow1046.601175.46 530.481890.35738.28  NewHorizonsALICENew Horizons ALICE airglow eff. area
NewHorizons/ALICE.airglow_v11046.651175.48 530.501890.16737.83  NewHorizonsALICENew Horizons ALICE airglow eff. area (v.006)
Filter Description

Filter ID (?) :NewHorizons/ALICE.airglow_v1
Description (?) :New Horizons ALICE airglow eff. area (v.006)
Phot.System (?) :ALICE
Detector Type (?) :Photon counter
Band Name (?) :------
Obs. Facility (?) :NewHorizons
Instrument (?) :ALICE
Comments (?) :Alice effective area calibration version 006; Never used in any data set.

Mathematical properties

Property Calculated Specified Unit
λref (?) : 1046.65 ------- (Angstrom)
λmean (?) : 1175.48 ------- (Angstrom)
λcen (?) : 1153.23 ------- (Angstrom)
λeff (?) : ------- ------- (Angstrom)
λpeak (?) : 1131.33 ------- (Angstrom)
λpivot (?) : 1046.65 ------- (Angstrom)
λphot (?) : ------- ------- (Angstrom)
λmin (?) : 530.50 ------- (Angstrom)
λmax (?) : 1890.16 ------- (Angstrom)
Weff (?) : 737.83 ------- (Angstrom)
FWHM (?) : 779.57 ------- (Angstrom)
Af/AV (?) : 4.17 ------- ()
Fsun (?) : ------- ------- (erg/cm2/s/A)

Effective area

Data file: ascii, VOTable

Reference for filter response: New Horizons ALICE Pluto Encounter Calibrated Data v3.0

Transmission components: Filter + CCD + Instrumentid:NewHorizons/ALICE.airglow_v1

Calibration properties

Vega System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- -------(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- -------(Jy)
ZP Type (?) : Pogson
PhotCal ID (?) : NewHorizons/ALICE.airglow_v1/Vega

AB System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 9.93682e-8(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 3631.00(Jy)
ZP Type (?) : Pogson
PhotCal ID (?) : NewHorizons/ALICE.airglow_v1/AB

ST System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 3.631e-9(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 132.68(Jy)
ZP Type (?) : Pogson
PhotCal ID (?) : NewHorizons/ALICE.airglow_v1/ST

Filter added: 2021-03-26 13:09:39
Last update: 2021-07-27 20:20:48
NewHorizons/ALICE.airglow_v21046.131179.52 520.001887.33742.73  NewHorizonsALICENew Horizons ALICE airglow eff. area (v.005)
NewHorizons/ALICE.SOCC1052.291191.08 467.711883.78709.08  NewHorizonsALICENew Horizons ALICE SOCC (Solar OCcultation Channel) eff. area (v.002)

Filter Plots

© SVO,   (SVO Privacy Policy),   10976 filters available,   Last update: 2025-01-21
If your research benefits from the use of the SVO Filter Profile Service, we would appreciate if you could include the following acknowledgement in your publication:

This research has made use of the SVO Filter Profile Service "Carlos Rodrigo", funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ through grant PID2023-146210NB-I00

and we would appreciate if you could include the following references in your publication: