VOSA. Help and Documentation

Version 7.5, July 2022

1. Introduction
2. Input files
2.1. Upload files
2.2. VOSA file format
2.3. Single object
2.4. Manage files
2.5. Archiving
2.6. Filters
3. Objects
3.1. Coordinates
3.2. Distances
3.3. Extinction
4. Build SEDs
4.1. VO photometry
4.2. SED
4.3. Excess
5. Analysis
5.1. Model Fit
5.2. Bayes analysis
5.3. Template Fit
5.4. Templates Bayes
5.5. Binary Fit
5.6. HR diagram
5.7. Upper Limits
5.8. Statistics
6. Save results
6.1. Download
6.2. SAMP
6.3. References
6.4. Log file
6.5. Plots
7. VOSA Architecture
8. Phys. Constants
9. FAQ
10. Use Case
11. Quality
11.1. Stellar libraries
11.2. VO photometry
11.3. Binary Fit Quality
12. Credits
12.1. VOSA
12.2. Th. Spectra
12.3. Templates
12.4. Isochrones
12.5. VO Photometry
12.6. Coordinates
12.7. Distances
12.8. Dereddening
12.9. Extinction
13. Helpdesk
14. About
. Excess calculation
. Total flux calculation
. VOphot quality info

IR excess detection examples

1.- A simple case

  np FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight exc a b σa σb nsig b+σb<2.56nsig>3
02MASS/2MASS.Ks215901.3987756851941E-152.4478080312896E-17 14.1426 -10.52 0.0076 17313------------------------
1WISE/WISE.W1335262.4473412676635E-167.3027728843144E-18 13.9514 -11.0859 0.0129592 5954.49--- -52.3955 2.96095 1.10782 0.078603 -5.91349------
2WISE/WISE.W2460281.2557903316284E-162.313251278027E-18 13.8138 -11.2381 0.008 156251 -41.8432 2.21355 0.46764 0.0334457 15.4485yesyes
3WISE/WISE.W31156082.6104843027125E-175.770427751284E-19 13.4138 -11.5203 0.0096 10850.71 -29.4675 1.3353 0.231943 0.0167091 90.1323yesyes
4WISE/WISE.W42208834.0506648798552E-185.5962003414414E-19 13.1327 -12.0483 0.06 277.7781 -39.3027 2.03245 0.691006 0.0490669 17.6176yesyes

Details, point by point

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W1:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.3987756851941E-15 2.4478080312896E-17 14.1426 -10.52 0.0076 17313
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 2.4473412676635E-16 7.3027728843144E-18 13.9514 -11.0859 0.0129592 5954.49

b= 2.96095 ± 0.078603
b + σ(b) = 3.03956 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -11.0859 ± 0.0129592
yL= -11.0093
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = -5.91349 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W2:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks215901.3987756851941E-152.4478080312896E-17 14.1426 -10.52 0.0076 17313
WISE/WISE.W1335262.4473412676635E-167.3027728843144E-18 13.9514 -11.0859 0.0129592 5954.49
WISE/WISE.W2460281.2557903316284E-162.313251278027E-18 13.8138 -11.2381 0.008 15625

b= 2.21355 ± 0.0334457
b + σ(b) = 2.24699 < 2.56 ⇒ excess?

yobs= -11.2381 ± 0.008
yL= -11.3616
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 15.4485 ⇒ excess?

Both criteria are met ⇒ excess suspicius

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W3:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks215901.3987756851941E-152.4478080312896E-17 14.1426 -10.52 0.0076 17313
WISE/WISE.W1335262.4473412676635E-167.3027728843144E-18 13.9514 -11.0859 0.0129592 5954.49
WISE/WISE.W31156082.6104843027125E-175.770427751284E-19 13.4138 -11.5203 0.0096 10850.7

b= 1.3353 ± 0.0167091
b + σ(b) = 1.35201 < 2.56 ⇒ excess?

yobs= -11.5203 ± 0.0096
yL= -12.3856
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 90.1323 ⇒ excess?

Both criteria are met ⇒ excess suspicius

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W4:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.3987756851941E-15 2.4478080312896E-17 14.1426 -10.52 0.0076 17313
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 2.4473412676635E-16 7.3027728843144E-18 13.9514 -11.0859 0.0129592 5954.49
WISE/WISE.W4 220883 4.0506648798552E-18 5.5962003414414E-19 13.1327 -12.0483 0.06 277.778

b= 2.03245 ± 0.0490669
b + σ(b) = 2.08151 < 2.56 ⇒ excess?

yobs= -12.0483 ± 0.06
yL= -13.1054
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 17.6176 ⇒ excess?

Both criteria are met ⇒ excess suspicius

Final check:

WISE/WISE.W3: b - σ(b) = 1.31859 < 2.56
WISE/WISE.W4: b - σ(b) = 1.98338 < 2.56

Excess seems to start at WISE/WISE.W2 (both it and the next point are 'suspicious').
And at least one of the last two points meets the final criterium.

IR excess starts at WISE/WISE.W2.

2.- Only one "suspicious" point.

  np FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight exc a b σa σb nsig b+σb<2.56 nsig>3
02MASS/2MASS.Ks215901.5694521322167E-124.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017------------------------
1WISE/WISE.W1335263.3657687844505E-133.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501--- -42.8051 2.49849 9.31766 0.666403 0.231413------
2WISE/WISE.W2460281.9431983592016E-131.5033915370751E-14 13.8138 -8.04846 0.0336 885.7711 -26.7667 1.35378 4.21877 0.30413 7.83299yesyes
3AKARI/IRC.S9W82283.55456149.5951888798357E-151.13796194837E-16 13.5615 -9.102630.00515061 37694.9--- -48.6621 2.91705 1.49198 0.109974 -28.1752------
4WISE/WISE.W31156082.5160605366691E-153.2443283514907E-17 13.4138 -9.53629 0.0056 31887.8--- -48.8794 2.93305 0.610999 0.0452683 -35.8446------
5AKARI/IRC.L18W176094.9031775.0301502726085E-162.3106014129414E-17 13.2311 -10.0527 0.0199493 2512.71--- -48.623 2.91408 0.525192 0.0389372 -12.494------
6WISE/WISE.W42208832.2076301392736E-163.8632747496472E-18 13.1327 -10.3119 0.0076 17313--- -47.4767 2.82926 0.272648 0.0203159 -33.7557------

Details, point by point

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W1:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501

b= 2.49849 ± 0.666403
b + σ(b) = 3.1649 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -7.94753 ± 0.0508
yL= -7.95929
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 0.231413 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W2:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501
WISE/WISE.W2 46028 1.9431983592016E-13 1.5033915370751E-14 13.8138 -8.04846 0.0336 885.771

b= 1.35378 ± 0.30413
b + σ(b) = 1.65791 < 2.56 ⇒ excess?

yobs= -8.04846 ± 0.0336
yL= -8.31165
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 7.83299 ⇒ excess?

Both criteria are met ⇒ excess suspicius

Points used for regression at AKARI/IRC.S9W:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501
AKARI/IRC.S9W 82283.5545614 9.5951888798357E-15 1.13796194837E-16 13.5615 -9.10263 0.00515061 37694.9

b= 2.91705 ± 0.109974
b + σ(b) = 3.02702 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -9.10263 ± 0.00515061
yL= -8.95751
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = -28.1752 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W3:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501
AKARI/IRC.S9W 82283.5545614 9.5951888798357E-15 1.13796194837E-16 13.5615 -9.10263 0.00515061 37694.9
WISE/WISE.W3 115608 2.5160605366691E-15 3.2443283514907E-17 13.4138 -9.53629 0.0056 31887.8

b= 2.93305 ± 0.0452683
b + σ(b) = 2.97832 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -9.53629 ± 0.0056
yL= -9.33556
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = -35.8446 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at AKARI/IRC.L18W:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501
AKARI/IRC.S9W 82283.5545614 9.5951888798357E-15 1.13796194837E-16 13.5615 -9.10263 0.00515061 37694.9
WISE/WISE.W3 115608 2.5160605366691E-15 3.2443283514907E-17 13.4138 -9.53629 0.0056 31887.8
AKARI/IRC.L18W 176094.903177 5.0301502726085E-16 2.3106014129414E-17 13.2311 -10.0527 0.0199493 2512.71

b= 2.91408 ± 0.0389372
b + σ(b) = 2.95302 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -10.0527 ± 0.0199493
yL= -9.80342
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = -12.494 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W4:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501
AKARI/IRC.S9W 82283.5545614 9.5951888798357E-15 1.13796194837E-16 13.5615 -9.10263 0.00515061 37694.9
WISE/WISE.W3 115608 2.5160605366691E-15 3.2443283514907E-17 13.4138 -9.53629 0.0056 31887.8
AKARI/IRC.L18W 176094.903177 5.0301502726085E-16 2.3106014129414E-17 13.2311 -10.0527 0.0199493 2512.71
WISE/WISE.W4 220883 2.2076301392736E-16 3.8632747496472E-18 13.1327 -10.3119 0.0076 17313

b= 2.82926 ± 0.0203159
b + σ(b) = 2.84957 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -10.3119 ± 0.0076
yL= -10.0554
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = -33.7557 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

3.- Final check fails.

  np FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight exc a b σa σb nsig b+σb<2.56 nsig>3
02MASS/2MASS.Ks215901.5694521322167E-124.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017------------------------
1WISE/WISE.W1335263.3657687844505E-133.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501--- -42.8051 2.49849 9.31766 0.666403 0.231413------
2WISE/WISE.W2460281.9431983592016E-131.5033915370751E-14 13.8138 -8.04846 0.0336 885.7711 -26.7667 1.35378 4.21877 0.30413 7.83299yesyes
3AKARI/IRC.S9W82283.55456149.5951888798357E-141.13796194837E-16 13.5615 -8.102630.0005150613.76949e+61 -16.2689 0.602166 1.48272 0.109332 1659.77yesyes
4IRAS/IRAS.12mu101464.5826684.571844088105E-152.9776333734753E-16 13.4705 -9.33359 0.0282855 1249.89--- -47.7263 2.85022 1.4324 0.105245 -5.05971------
5AKARI/IRC.L18W176094.9031775.0301502726085E-162.3106014129414E-17 13.2311 -10.0527 0.0199493 2512.71--- -48.5768 2.91209 0.873078 0.0652236 -12.494------
6WISE/WISE.W42208832.2076301392736E-163.8632747496472E-18 13.1327 -10.3119 0.0076 17313--- -48.0225 2.87135 0.621932 0.0471779 -33.7557------

Details, point by point

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W1:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501

b= 2.49849 ± 0.666403
b + σ(b) = 3.1649 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -7.94753 ± 0.0508
yL= -7.95929
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 0.231413 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W2:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501
WISE/WISE.W2 46028 1.9431983592016E-13 1.5033915370751E-14 13.8138 -8.04846 0.0336 885.771

b= 1.35378 ± 0.30413
b + σ(b) = 1.65791 < 2.56 ⇒ excess?

yobs= -8.04846 ± 0.0336
yL= -8.31165
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 7.83299 ⇒ excess?

Both criteria are met ⇒ excess suspicius

Points used for regression at AKARI/IRC.S9W:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501
AKARI/IRC.S9W 82283.5545614 9.5951888798357E-14 1.13796194837E-16 13.5615 -8.10263 0.000515061 3.76949e+6

b= 0.602166 ± 0.109332
b + σ(b) = 0.711498 < 2.56 ⇒ excess?

yobs= -8.10263 ± 0.000515061
yL= -8.95751
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 1659.77 ⇒ excess?

Both criteria are met ⇒ excess suspicius

Points used for regression at IRAS/IRAS.12mu:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501
IRAS/IRAS.12mu 101464.582668 4.571844088105E-15 2.9776333734753E-16 13.4705 -9.33359 0.0282855 1249.89

b= 2.85022 ± 0.105245
b + σ(b) = 2.95547 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -9.33359 ± 0.0282855
yL= -9.19048
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = -5.05971 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at AKARI/IRC.L18W:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501
IRAS/IRAS.12mu 101464.582668 4.571844088105E-15 2.9776333734753E-16 13.4705 -9.33359 0.0282855 1249.89
AKARI/IRC.L18W 176094.903177 5.0301502726085E-16 2.3106014129414E-17 13.2311 -10.0527 0.0199493 2512.71

b= 2.91209 ± 0.0652236
b + σ(b) = 2.97731 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -10.0527 ± 0.0199493
yL= -9.80342
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = -12.494 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W4:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 1.5694521322167E-12 4.2209149938899E-13 14.1426 -7.47 0.1168 73.3017
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 3.3657687844505E-13 3.9369842670065E-14 13.9514 -7.94753 0.0508 387.501
IRAS/IRAS.12mu 101464.582668 4.571844088105E-15 2.9776333734753E-16 13.4705 -9.33359 0.0282855 1249.89
AKARI/IRC.L18W 176094.903177 5.0301502726085E-16 2.3106014129414E-17 13.2311 -10.0527 0.0199493 2512.71
WISE/WISE.W4 220883 2.2076301392736E-16 3.8632747496472E-18 13.1327 -10.3119 0.0076 17313

b= 2.87135 ± 0.0471779
b + σ(b) = 2.91852 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -10.3119 ± 0.0076
yL= -10.0554
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = -33.7557 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Final check:

AKARI/IRC.L18W: b - σ(b) = 2.84686 > 2.56
WISE/WISE.W4: b - σ(b) = 2.82417 > 2.56

Excess seems to start at WISE/WISE.W2 (both it and the next point are 'suspicious').
But none of the last two points meets the final criterium.

⇒ There is NO excess detected.

4.- Excess only in last point.

  np FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight exc a b σa σb nsig b+σb<2.56 nsig>3
02MASS/2MASS.Ks215904.6617402846124E-141.331022657158E-15 14.1426 -8.9972 0.0124 6503.64------------------------
1WISE/WISE.W1335261.0024997622146E-142.3083410082054E-16 13.9514 -9.47353 0.01 10000--- -44.2435 2.49221 1.1691 0.083346 1.29558------
2WISE/WISE.W2460282.9115022836668E-154.8268668647443E-17 13.8138 -9.87286 0.0072 19290.1--- -46.9843 2.68704 0.594682 0.0427443 -4.72384------
3AKARI/IRC.S9W82283.55456145.2381672565047E-167.483096080721E-17 13.5615 -10.3655 0.0620421 259.793--- -46.5955 2.65918 0.578079 0.0415584 1.92138------
4WISE/WISE.W31156088.8129455335059E-171.5422343328222E-18 13.4138 -10.9919 0.0076 17313--- -48.146 2.77039 0.234038 0.0170197 -16.9907------
5WISE/WISE.W42208832.3074182037759E-178.0758006741624E-19 13.1327 -11.2927 0.0152 4328.251 -44.9115 2.53692 0.194382 0.0141827 19.0695yesyes

Details, point by point

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W1:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 4.6617402846124E-14 1.331022657158E-15 14.1426 -8.9972 0.0124 6503.64
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 1.0024997622146E-14 2.3083410082054E-16 13.9514 -9.47353 0.01 10000

b= 2.49221 ± 0.083346
b + σ(b) = 2.57556 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -9.47353 ± 0.01
yL= -9.48649
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 1.29558 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W2:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 4.6617402846124E-14 1.331022657158E-15 14.1426 -8.9972 0.0124 6503.64
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 1.0024997622146E-14 2.3083410082054E-16 13.9514 -9.47353 0.01 10000
WISE/WISE.W2 46028 2.9115022836668E-15 4.8268668647443E-17 13.8138 -9.87286 0.0072 19290.1

b= 2.68704 ± 0.0427443
b + σ(b) = 2.72979 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -9.87286 ± 0.0072
yL= -9.83885
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = -4.72384 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at AKARI/IRC.S9W:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 4.6617402846124E-14 1.331022657158E-15 14.1426 -8.9972 0.0124 6503.64
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 1.0024997622146E-14 2.3083410082054E-16 13.9514 -9.47353 0.01 10000
WISE/WISE.W2 46028 2.9115022836668E-15 4.8268668647443E-17 13.8138 -9.87286 0.0072 19290.1
AKARI/IRC.S9W 82283.5545614 5.2381672565047E-16 7.483096080721E-17 13.5615 -10.3655 0.0620421 259.793

b= 2.65918 ± 0.0415584
b + σ(b) = 2.70074 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -10.3655 ± 0.0620421
yL= -10.4847
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 1.92138 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W3:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 4.6617402846124E-14 1.331022657158E-15 14.1426 -8.9972 0.0124 6503.64
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 1.0024997622146E-14 2.3083410082054E-16 13.9514 -9.47353 0.01 10000
WISE/WISE.W2 46028 2.9115022836668E-15 4.8268668647443E-17 13.8138 -9.87286 0.0072 19290.1
AKARI/IRC.S9W 82283.5545614 5.2381672565047E-16 7.483096080721E-17 13.5615 -10.3655 0.0620421 259.793
WISE/WISE.W3 115608 8.8129455335059E-17 1.5422343328222E-18 13.4138 -10.9919 0.0076 17313

b= 2.77039 ± 0.0170197
b + σ(b) = 2.78741 > 2.56 ⇒ NO excess

yobs= -10.9919 ± 0.0076
yL= -10.8628
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = -16.9907 ⇒ NO excess

No criterium is met ⇒ NO excess

Points used for regression at WISE/WISE.W4:
FilterID Wavelength Flux ΔFlux log(nu) log(nuFnu) e_log(nuFnu) weight
2MASS/2MASS.Ks 21590 4.6617402846124E-14 1.331022657158E-15 14.1426 -8.9972 0.0124 6503.64
WISE/WISE.W1 33526 1.0024997622146E-14 2.3083410082054E-16 13.9514 -9.47353 0.01 10000
WISE/WISE.W2 46028 2.9115022836668E-15 4.8268668647443E-17 13.8138 -9.87286 0.0072 19290.1
AKARI/IRC.S9W 82283.5545614 5.2381672565047E-16 7.483096080721E-17 13.5615 -10.3655 0.0620421 259.793
WISE/WISE.W3 115608 8.8129455335059E-17 1.5422343328222E-18 13.4138 -10.9919 0.0076 17313
WISE/WISE.W4 220883 2.3074182037759E-17 8.0758006741624E-19 13.1327 -11.2927 0.0152 4328.25

b= 2.53692 ± 0.0141827
b + σ(b) = 2.5511 < 2.56 ⇒ excess?

yobs= -11.2927 ± 0.0152
yL= -11.5826
(yobs-yL)/σ(y) = 19.0695 ⇒ excess?

Both criteria are met ⇒ excess suspicius

The first point that seems to present IR excess is the last one. We thus mark it as 'excess'.