Filter Profile Service
Carlos Rodrigo
A repository of Filter information for the VO.
Grant PID2020-112494GBI00 funded by
Astronomy (7914)Planetary science (616)Earth Obs. (2452)

HST :The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.
HST/ACS_SBC :The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), Solar Blind Channelid:HST/ACS_SBC.a

HST/ACS_SBC.F122M1267.081278.341413.641150.001719.29131.3491.671.71e-9HSTACSF122M filter for HST ACS_SBC
HST/ACS_SBC.F115LP1392.591419.151496.341150.001980.67368.82290.664.49e-9HSTACSF115LP filter for HST ACS_SBC
HST/ACS_SBC.PR110L1416.611442.631503.001160.001984.36384.60330.694.94e-9HSTACSPR110L disperser for HST ACS_SBC
HST/ACS_SBC.F125LP1426.201449.211496.211217.451981.95340.05350.105.16e-9HSTACSF125LP filter for HST ACS_SBC
HST/ACS_SBC.PR130L1427.251450.531498.031217.491981.36330.06350.765.16e-9HSTACSPR130L filter for HST ACS_SBC
HST/ACS_SBC.F140LP1518.841535.551539.731307.551985.49258.61502.036.52e-9HSTACSF140LP filter for HST ACS_SBC
HST/ACS_SBC.F150LP1605.021617.381612.521420.001989.34209.59587.326.83e-9HSTACSF150LP filter for HST ACS_SBC
HST/ACS_SBC.F165LP1757.291766.321760.681500.001997.21204.06663.126.44e-9HSTACSF165LP filter for HST ACS_SBC

Filter Plots

© SVO,   (SVO Privacy Policy),   10979 filters available,   Last update: 2025-03-28
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This research has made use of the SVO Filter Profile Service "Carlos Rodrigo", funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ through grant PID2023-146210NB-I00

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