Filter Profile Service
Carlos Rodrigo
A repository of Filter information for the VO.
Grant PID2020-112494GBI00 funded by
Astronomy (7911)Planetary science (616)Earth Obs. (2452)

HST :The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a cooperative program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to operate a space-based observatory for the benefit of the international astronomical community.
HST/ACS_WFC :The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), Wide Field Channelid:HST/ACS_WFC.a
GaiaXPy base XML file. You can download here the GaiaXPy base XML file for the full HST/ACS_WFC filter set. Please, take a look to the GaiaXPy web page and additional documentation for more information.

HST/ACS_WFC.FR388N3881.443881.713882.753811.903951.4376.263408.686.78e-9HSTACSFR388N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.FR423N4230.124230.394229.834159.354301.7280.474593.327.7e-9HSTACSFR423N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.F435W4329.854360.064341.623610.234883.77821.684036.386.45e-9HSTACSF435W filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.FR459M4588.264592.764584.984278.584907.27357.164266.776.08e-9HSTACSFR459M ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.FR462N4619.854620.134619.654543.064697.3487.674270.836.0e-9HSTACSFR462N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.F475W4746.944802.314708.873863.585562.801271.564004.425.33e-9HSTACSF475W filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.F502N5023.025023.135022.924966.535079.8456.663942.884.68e-9HSTACSF502N filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.FR505N5050.025050.395049.724955.615145.27107.853924.924.61e-9HSTACSFR505N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.F555W5361.035397.605331.754584.276208.721098.663662.243.82e-9HSTACSF555W filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.FR551N5510.005510.305509.745425.095595.4396.683598.293.55e-9HSTACSFR551N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.F550M5581.405588.245574.755248.455931.37524.663554.703.42e-9HSTACSF550M filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.FR601N6010.126010.506009.705907.506113.41117.013290.202.73e-9HSTACSFR601N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.F606W5921.886035.735809.264634.307180.101771.883351.092.86e-9HSTACSF606W filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.F625W6311.856352.466266.205446.007099.621232.023113.862.34e-9HSTACSF625W filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.FR647M6469.586476.156460.066027.106925.31505.582963.412.12e-9HSTACSFR647M ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.FR656N6559.946560.366559.086445.626675.13130.782704.961.88e-9HSTACSFR656N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.F658N6583.956584.106585.966509.986659.4474.822580.251.78e-9HSTACSF658N filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.F660N6599.466599.506600.026562.006642.9135.702791.001.92e-9HSTACSF660N filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.FR716N7159.617160.047159.197040.587279.37136.462719.291.59e-9HSTACSFR716N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.POL_UV6634.167294.116112.333306.7110881.834258.563054.582.08e-9HSTACSPOL_UV filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.POL_V6911.097523.496333.533623.5710884.794289.973051.121.92e-9HSTACSPOL_V filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.G800L7471.407704.087254.825274.8010827.013017.862690.291.44e-9HSTACSG800L disperser for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.F775W7693.477730.777652.446803.728631.821379.432516.531.27e-9HSTACSF775W filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.FR782N7818.977819.447818.587687.337951.48150.412447.561.2e-9HSTACSFR782N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.F814W8045.538129.217973.396869.599632.011888.662440.741.13e-9HSTACSF814W filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.FR853N8528.348528.808528.028395.608661.95150.702225.229.17e-10HSTACSFR853N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.F892N8914.988915.378916.618788.929035.83148.572286.488.62e-10HSTACSF892N filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.FR914M9067.539079.849062.018350.599802.04738.222258.988.24e-10HSTACSFR914M ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
Filter Description

Filter ID (?) :HST/ACS_WFC.FR914M
Description (?) :FR914M ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
Phot.System (?) :ACS-WFC
Detector Type (?) :Photon counter
Band Name (?) :------
Obs. Facility (?) :HST
Instrument (?) :ACS
Comments (?) :Response calculated using the stsynphot python package by STScI. In particular, function"acs,wfc1,fr914m#9140"). Please, take a look to stsynphot documentation and HST instrument documentation

Mathematical properties

Property Calculated Specified Unit
λref (?) : 9067.53 ------- (Angstrom)
λmean (?) : 9079.84 ------- (Angstrom)
λcen (?) : 9097.82 ------- (Angstrom)
λeff (?) : 9062.01 ------- (Angstrom)
λpeak (?) : 8880.00 ------- (Angstrom)
λpivot (?) : 9067.53 ------- (Angstrom)
λphot (?) : 9070.26 ------- (Angstrom)
λmin (?) : 8350.59 ------- (Angstrom)
λmax (?) : 9802.04 ------- (Angstrom)
Weff (?) : 738.22 ------- (Angstrom)
FWHM (?) : 785.01 ------- (Angstrom)
Af/AV (?) : 0.502 ------- ()
Fsun (?) : 88.01 ------- (erg/cm2/s/A)


Data file: ascii, VOTable

Reference for filter response: stsynphot documentation

Transmission components: Filter + CCD + Instrumentid:HST/ACS_WFC.FR914M

You can download here the GaiaXPy base XML file for the full HST/ACS_WFC filter set.
Please, take a look to GaiaXPy documentation for more information.

- GaiaXPy base XML file.

Calibration properties

Vega System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 8.23673e-10(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 2258.98(Jy)
PhotCal ID (?) : HST/ACS_WFC.FR914M/Vega

AB System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 1.32394e-9(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 3631.00(Jy)
PhotCal ID (?) : HST/ACS_WFC.FR914M/AB

ST System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 3.631e-9(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 9958.27(Jy)
PhotCal ID (?) : HST/ACS_WFC.FR914M/ST

Filter added: 2019-07-16 12:11:43
Last update: 2022-03-01 15:05:28
HST/ACS_WFC.F850LP9031.489080.269004.998007.0110862.131321.982232.908.21e-10HSTACSF850LP filter for HST ACS_WFC
HST/ACS_WFC.FR931N9305.649306.319308.359133.289479.02192.322238.737.75e-10HSTACSFR931N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength
HST/ACS_WFC.FR1016N10149.4910150.2210151.309966.9910335.19193.212035.055.92e-10HSTACSFR1016N ramp filter for HST ACS_WFC at central wavelength

Filter Plots (using a common λ range)

(Plot them zoomed to their own λ range)

© SVO,   (SVO Privacy Policy),   10976 filters available,   Last update: 2025-01-21
If your research benefits from the use of the SVO Filter Profile Service, we would appreciate if you could include the following acknowledgement in your publication:

This research has made use of the SVO Filter Profile Service "Carlos Rodrigo", funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ through grant PID2020-112949GB-I00

and we would appreciate if you could include the following references in your publication: