Filter Profile Service
Carlos Rodrigo
A repository of Filter information for the VO.
Grant PID2020-112494GBI00 funded by
Astronomy (7905)Planetary science (616)Earth Obs. (2452)

SOFIA :Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)
SOFIA/FORCAST :The Faint Object infraRed CAmera for the SOFIA Telescope (FORCAST) is a dual-channel mid-infrared camera and spectrograph sensitive from 5 - 40 μ

SOFIA/FORCAST.F05453558.5953566.4253546.0352129.3655115.911621.32125.741.31e-12SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F054 filter
Filter Description

Filter ID (?) :SOFIA/FORCAST.F054
Description (?) :FORCAST F054 filter
Phot.System (?) :------
Detector Type (?) :Photon counter
Band Name (?) :------
Obs. Facility (?) :SOFIA
Instrument (?) :FORCAST
Comments (?) :------

Mathematical properties

Property Calculated Specified Unit
λref (?) : 53558.59 ------- (Angstrom)
λmean (?) : 53566.42 ------- (Angstrom)
λcen (?) : 53550.00 ------- (Angstrom)
λeff (?) : 53546.03 ------- (Angstrom)
λpeak (?) : 53600.50 ------- (Angstrom)
λpivot (?) : 53558.59 ------- (Angstrom)
λphot (?) : 53551.24 ------- (Angstrom)
λmin (?) : 52129.36 ------- (Angstrom)
λmax (?) : 55115.91 ------- (Angstrom)
Weff (?) : 1621.32 ------- (Angstrom)
FWHM (?) : 1630.20 ------- (Angstrom)
Af/AV (?) : 0.0424 ------- ()
Fsun (?) : 0.263 ------- (erg/cm2/s/A)


Data file: ascii, VOTable

Reference for filter response: FORCAST

Transmission components: Filterid:SOFIA/FORCAST.F054

Calibration properties

Vega System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 1.31415e-12(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 125.74(Jy)
ZP Type (?) : Pogson
PhotCal ID (?) : SOFIA/FORCAST.F054/Vega

AB System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 3.7948e-11(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 3631.00(Jy)
ZP Type (?) : Pogson
PhotCal ID (?) : SOFIA/FORCAST.F054/AB

ST System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 3.631e-9(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 347427.25(Jy)
ZP Type (?) : Pogson
PhotCal ID (?) : SOFIA/FORCAST.F054/ST

Filter added: 2017-08-07 17:03:13
Last update: 2021-07-27 20:35:43
SOFIA/FORCAST.F05656099.1956104.8356090.1454584.9957757.92939.08115.221.1e-12SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F056 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F06463516.6963521.3363512.2962227.7964855.761355.4390.456.72e-13SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F064 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F06666115.0466125.5666097.4364207.9068132.891924.8084.225.78e-13SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F066 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F07777028.4777072.6276967.1873463.1280509.674358.3162.453.16e-13SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F077 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F111110849.82110957.75110668.08104598.40117798.488609.7830.897.54e-14SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F111 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F113113437.59113444.55113428.54111450.59115671.052128.6629.306.83e-14SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F113 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F197196490.89198207.07193684.07167429.06228965.9446392.5510.197.91e-15SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F197 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F242242142.06243118.12240556.29208527.37289691.0028877.976.643.4e-15SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F242 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F253253775.03254031.88253349.64234914.90275621.0818691.016.002.79e-15SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F253 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F315313925.39315841.37310984.65275674.77404018.8847786.913.971.21e-15SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F315 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F336335857.61336250.57335214.45313672.86379398.4718200.183.439.1e-16SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F336 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F348347830.83348990.23345884.04297287.80406326.5335615.663.217.96e-16SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F348 filter
SOFIA/FORCAST.F371371554.20372466.83369982.37321487.70411546.5027708.982.816.09e-16SOFIAFORCASTFORCAST F371 filter

Filter Plots (using a common λ range)

(Plot them zoomed to their own λ range)

© SVO,   (SVO Privacy Policy),   10970 filters available,   Last update: 2023-06-19
If your research benefits from the use of the SVO Filter Profile Service, we would appreciate if you could include the following acknowledgement in your publication:

This research has made use of the SVO Filter Profile Service "Carlos Rodrigo", funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ through grant PID2020-112949GB-I00

and we would appreciate if you could include the following references in your publication: