HST/WFPC2-PC.F160BW | 1506.98 | 1549.65 | 1594.75 | 1143.72 | 2124.34 | 547.97 | 423.49 | 5.59e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F160BW filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F185W | 1968.62 | 1992.47 | 1973.57 | 1648.00 | 2713.13 | 380.99 | 742.16 | 5.74e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F185W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F170W | 1829.96 | 2162.09 | 1906.71 | 1209.62 | 8879.05 | 618.28 | 657.21 | 5.88e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F170W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F218W | 2203.61 | 2224.88 | 2201.52 | 1770.20 | 2883.49 | 446.36 | 780.24 | 4.82e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F218W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F255W | 2599.61 | 2616.93 | 2610.42 | 2137.65 | 3206.53 | 461.43 | 868.98 | 3.85e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F255W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F157W | 1732.43 | 2889.37 | 2059.87 | 1141.30 | 9792.53 | 574.98 | 487.78 | 4.87e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F157W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F300W | 2985.22 | 3038.58 | 3029.50 | 2339.29 | 3983.64 | 896.11 | 1074.70 | 3.62e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F300W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F336W | 3344.29 | 3355.65 | 3349.67 | 2960.67 | 3802.08 | 452.23 | 1240.72 | 3.33e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F336W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F343N | 3426.95 | 3426.99 | 3426.95 | 3399.08 | 3456.36 | 27.87 | 1281.23 | 3.27e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F343N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F343N | Filter Description Filter ID (?) : | HST/WFPC2-PC.F343N |
Description (?) : | F343N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
Phot.System (?) : | WFPC2-PC |
Detector Type (?) : | Photon counter |
Band Name (?) : | ------ |
Obs. Facility (?) : | HST |
Instrument (?) : | WFPC2 |
Comments (?) : | Response calculated using the stsynphot python package by STScI. In particular, function stsynphot.band("wfpc2,1,f343n"). Please, take a look to stsynphot documentation and HST instrument documentation |
| | Mathematical properties Property | Calculated | Specified | Unit | λref (?) : |
3426.95 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λmean (?) : |
3426.99 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λcen (?) : |
3426.53 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λeff (?) : |
3426.95 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λpeak (?) : |
3432.00 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λpivot (?) : |
3426.95 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λphot (?) : |
3426.98 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λmin (?) : |
3399.08 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λmax (?) : |
3456.36 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
Weff (?) : |
27.87 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
FWHM (?) : |
28.84 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
Af/AV (?) : |
1.66 | ------- | () |
Fsun (?) : |
98.43 | ------- | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
| Transmission
Data file: ascii, VOTable Reference for filter response:
stsynphot documentation Transmission components: Filter + CCD + Instrumentid:HST/WFPC2-PC.F343N You can download here the GaiaXPy base XML file for the full HST/WFPC2-PC filter set. Please, take a look to GaiaXPy documentation for more information. - GaiaXPy base XML file. | | Calibration properties
Vega System Property | Specified | Calculated | Unit | Zero Point (?) : |
------- |
3.27063e-9 | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
------- |
1281.23 | (Jy) |
ZP Type (?) : |
Pogson |
PhotCal ID (?) : |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F343N/Vega |
AB System Property | Specified | Calculated | Unit | Zero Point (?) : |
------- |
9.26898e-9 | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
------- |
3631.00 | (Jy) |
ZP Type (?) : |
Pogson |
PhotCal ID (?) : |
ST System Property | Specified | Calculated | Unit | Zero Point (?) : |
------- |
3.631e-9 | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
------- |
1422.40 | (Jy) |
ZP Type (?) : |
Pogson |
PhotCal ID (?) : |
Filter added: 2019-07-16 12:16:50 Last update: 2022-03-01 15:06:03 |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F122M | 1709.27 | 3534.11 | 2969.89 | 1141.65 | 9647.35 | 287.01 | 248.75 | 2.55e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F122M filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F375N | 3732.26 | 3732.30 | 3732.92 | 3700.94 | 3760.17 | 29.98 | 1652.61 | 3.56e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F375N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.FQUVN | 3764.48 | 3764.86 | 3770.13 | 3681.79 | 3837.98 | 91.82 | 2052.86 | 4.34e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | FQUVN filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F390N | 3888.33 | 3888.48 | 3888.54 | 3838.14 | 3937.74 | 60.05 | 3427.55 | 6.8e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F390N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F380W | 3982.79 | 4013.65 | 4066.37 | 3245.85 | 4680.17 | 822.89 | 3249.92 | 6.14e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F380W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F410M | 4087.81 | 4089.26 | 4087.45 | 3895.06 | 4277.17 | 184.92 | 4189.41 | 7.52e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F410M filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F439W | 4311.74 | 4325.88 | 4309.86 | 3895.60 | 4768.25 | 633.95 | 4202.18 | 6.78e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F439W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F437N | 4369.20 | 4369.24 | 4370.16 | 4337.81 | 4399.86 | 31.83 | 3977.29 | 6.25e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F437N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F450W | 4557.11 | 4608.69 | 4546.23 | 3623.43 | 5353.48 | 787.50 | 3964.90 | 5.72e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F450W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F467M | 4669.97 | 4671.58 | 4668.26 | 4477.19 | 4877.25 | 206.08 | 4223.30 | 5.81e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F467M filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F469N | 4694.37 | 4694.41 | 4694.33 | 4664.46 | 4721.81 | 33.07 | 4229.75 | 5.75e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F469N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F487N | 4865.19 | 4865.22 | 4865.89 | 4833.86 | 4893.57 | 33.92 | 2659.78 | 3.37e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F487N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F502N | 5012.41 | 5012.45 | 5012.37 | 4982.26 | 5042.17 | 35.79 | 3949.67 | 4.71e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F502N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.FQCH4N | 5435.37 | 5435.43 | 5435.33 | 5396.06 | 5474.01 | 43.25 | 3642.39 | 3.7e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | FQCH4N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F547M | 5483.88 | 5495.34 | 5472.66 | 5003.80 | 6001.30 | 627.33 | 3618.41 | 3.61e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F547M filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F555W | 5442.92 | 5519.80 | 5371.28 | 4391.94 | 7127.95 | 1426.53 | 3643.25 | 3.69e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F555W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F569W | 5644.37 | 5691.74 | 5597.92 | 4835.21 | 7151.94 | 1161.55 | 3525.97 | 3.32e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F569W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F588N | 5893.51 | 5893.62 | 5893.41 | 5837.10 | 5949.58 | 65.31 | 3355.12 | 2.9e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F588N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F606W | 6001.25 | 6101.34 | 5899.20 | 4682.25 | 7334.37 | 1773.70 | 3305.98 | 2.75e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F606W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F622W | 6187.80 | 6224.58 | 6145.54 | 5369.58 | 7033.56 | 1211.17 | 3178.68 | 2.49e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F622W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F631N | 6306.44 | 6306.48 | 6306.31 | 6272.15 | 6339.91 | 42.15 | 3127.94 | 2.36e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F631N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F656N | 6563.81 | 6563.83 | 6563.76 | 6538.37 | 6587.39 | 28.34 | 2224.41 | 1.55e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F656N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F658N | 6590.82 | 6590.85 | 6591.70 | 6558.42 | 6622.57 | 39.22 | 2678.93 | 1.85e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F658N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F130LP | 5808.29 | 6610.81 | 5735.91 | 1789.93 | 10485.81 | 3736.73 | 2758.08 | 2.45e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F130LP filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F165LP | 5848.82 | 6615.40 | 5746.86 | 1796.52 | 10485.08 | 3723.65 | 2793.26 | 2.45e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F165LP filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F673N | 6732.27 | 6732.36 | 6732.17 | 6677.75 | 6783.63 | 63.30 | 2912.39 | 1.93e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F673N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F675W | 6717.68 | 6748.22 | 6687.14 | 5954.63 | 7634.95 | 1165.87 | 2896.08 | 1.92e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F675W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F702W | 6917.10 | 6995.16 | 6838.32 | 5868.21 | 8458.73 | 1768.38 | 2831.29 | 1.77e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F702W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.POLQ | 6384.70 | 7101.55 | 6113.73 | 2259.01 | 10728.51 | 4172.95 | 2817.26 | 2.07e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | POLQ polarizer quad filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F791W | 7872.47 | 7926.13 | 7820.50 | 6859.27 | 9273.98 | 1470.29 | 2468.73 | 1.19e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F791W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F953N | 6949.98 | 8035.97 | 6488.12 | 5124.88 | 9603.54 | 139.67 | 2531.82 | 1.57e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F953N filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F814W | 7995.93 | 8080.47 | 7924.54 | 6943.95 | 9818.99 | 1627.39 | 2455.07 | 1.15e-9 | HST | WFPC2 | F814W filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F785LP | 8687.37 | 8748.77 | 8649.57 | 7475.03 | 10736.09 | 1656.42 | 2281.93 | 9.06e-10 | HST | WFPC2 | F785LP filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F850LP | 9115.65 | 9148.96 | 9097.94 | 8314.31 | 10776.75 | 1107.83 | 2234.37 | 8.06e-10 | HST | WFPC2 | F850LP filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |
HST/WFPC2-PC.F1042M | 10223.88 | 10229.23 | 10222.13 | 9890.78 | 10914.81 | 370.04 | 2022.32 | 5.8e-10 | HST | WFPC2 | F1042M filter for HST WFPC2 planetary camera (detector 1) |