HST/STIS_FUV.F25LYA | 1243.11 | 1248.35 | 1366.02 | 1150.00 | 1531.27 | 99.18 | 51.67 | 1.0e-9 | HST | STIS | F25LYA filter for HST STIS_FUV, with no grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25LYA_G140L | 1245.59 | 1250.56 | 1356.24 | 1150.00 | 1539.50 | 116.00 | 56.20 | 1.09e-9 | HST | STIS | F25LYA filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25LYA_G140M | 1246.33 | 1251.03 | 1353.36 | 1150.00 | 1527.02 | 111.57 | 55.62 | 1.07e-9 | HST | STIS | F25LYA filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140M grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.25MAMA_G140M | 1349.42 | 1365.81 | 1442.31 | 1150.00 | 1742.25 | 278.07 | 238.11 | 3.92e-9 | HST | STIS | 25MAMA filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140M grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25ND3_G140M | 1352.40 | 1368.23 | 1440.82 | 1150.00 | 1742.25 | 277.54 | 244.38 | 4.01e-9 | HST | STIS | F25ND3 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140M grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.25MAMA_G140L | 1352.70 | 1369.37 | 1445.14 | 1150.00 | 1725.00 | 297.45 | 244.93 | 4.01e-9 | HST | STIS | 25MAMA filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.25MAMA_G140L | Filter Description Filter ID (?) : | HST/STIS_FUV.25MAMA_G140L |
Description (?) : | 25MAMA filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
Phot.System (?) : | STIS-FUV |
Detector Type (?) : | Photon counter |
Band Name (?) : | ------ |
Obs. Facility (?) : | HST |
Instrument (?) : | STIS |
Comments (?) : | Response calculated using the stsynphot python package by STScI. In particular, function stsynphot.bp("stis,fuvmama,25mama,g140l"). Please, take a look to stsynphot documentation and HST instrument documentation |
| | Mathematical properties Property | Calculated | Specified | Unit | λref (?) : |
1352.70 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λmean (?) : |
1369.37 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λcen (?) : |
1333.22 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λeff (?) : |
1445.14 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λpeak (?) : |
1285.29 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λpivot (?) : |
1352.70 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λphot (?) : |
1453.27 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λmin (?) : |
1150.00 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λmax (?) : |
1725.00 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
Weff (?) : |
297.45 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
FWHM (?) : |
281.02 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
Af/AV (?) : |
2.98 | ------- | () |
Fsun (?) : |
------- | ------- | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
| Transmission
Data file: ascii, VOTable Reference for filter response:
stsynphot documentation Transmission components: Filter + CCD + Instrumentid:HST/STIS_FUV.25MAMA_G140L | | Calibration properties
Vega System Property | Specified | Calculated | Unit | Zero Point (?) : |
------- |
4.01294e-9 | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
------- |
244.93 | (Jy) |
PhotCal ID (?) : |
AB System Property | Specified | Calculated | Unit | Zero Point (?) : |
------- |
5.94898e-8 | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
------- |
3631.00 | (Jy) |
PhotCal ID (?) : |
ST System Property | Specified | Calculated | Unit | Zero Point (?) : |
------- |
3.631e-9 | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
------- |
221.62 | (Jy) |
PhotCal ID (?) : |
Filter added: 2019-07-16 12:14:55 Last update: 2022-03-01 15:22:56 |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25ND3_G140L | 1355.91 | 1372.03 | 1443.85 | 1150.00 | 1725.00 | 295.95 | 251.46 | 4.1e-9 | HST | STIS | F25ND3 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25ND5_G140M | 1357.63 | 1375.20 | 1451.47 | 1150.00 | 1742.25 | 281.75 | 249.15 | 4.05e-9 | HST | STIS | F25ND5 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140M grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25ND5_G140L | 1361.39 | 1379.19 | 1454.38 | 1150.00 | 1725.00 | 302.10 | 256.71 | 4.15e-9 | HST | STIS | F25ND5 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ2_G140M | 1372.32 | 1389.96 | 1457.77 | 1160.22 | 1742.25 | 311.60 | 275.26 | 4.38e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ2 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140M grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.25MAMA | 1368.89 | 1391.78 | 1475.48 | 1150.00 | 1888.42 | 345.49 | 261.57 | 4.18e-9 | HST | STIS | 25MAMA filter for HST STIS_FUV, with no grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25ND3 | 1370.66 | 1392.25 | 1471.27 | 1150.00 | 1878.96 | 347.62 | 266.06 | 4.25e-9 | HST | STIS | F25ND3 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with no grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ3_G140M | 1375.64 | 1393.35 | 1459.67 | 1160.06 | 1742.25 | 329.35 | 281.51 | 4.46e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ3 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140M grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ2_G140L | 1376.40 | 1394.06 | 1460.35 | 1160.22 | 1725.53 | 331.77 | 283.35 | 4.48e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ2 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ3_G140L | 1379.79 | 1397.50 | 1462.23 | 1160.06 | 1725.62 | 346.56 | 289.69 | 4.56e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ3 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ1_G140M | 1381.79 | 1399.40 | 1460.97 | 1150.00 | 1742.26 | 319.69 | 292.64 | 4.59e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ1 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140M grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25ND5 | 1379.23 | 1403.11 | 1485.07 | 1150.00 | 1878.77 | 354.17 | 274.62 | 4.33e-9 | HST | STIS | F25ND5 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with no grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ1_G140L | 1385.78 | 1403.34 | 1463.40 | 1150.00 | 1725.72 | 327.50 | 300.56 | 4.69e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ1 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ4_G140M | 1396.85 | 1414.33 | 1468.18 | 1150.00 | 1742.25 | 340.23 | 318.36 | 4.89e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ4 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140M grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ4_G140L | 1400.90 | 1418.12 | 1470.25 | 1150.00 | 1725.00 | 343.41 | 326.51 | 4.99e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ4 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ2 | 1397.61 | 1421.82 | 1493.09 | 1160.22 | 1898.15 | 406.75 | 304.46 | 4.67e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ2 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with no grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ3 | 1401.02 | 1425.17 | 1494.44 | 1160.06 | 1900.23 | 415.91 | 310.72 | 4.75e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ3 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with no grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ1 | 1408.96 | 1433.05 | 1496.81 | 1150.00 | 1902.06 | 399.07 | 323.67 | 4.89e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ1 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with no grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25SRF2_G140M | 1423.00 | 1434.69 | 1456.84 | 1246.50 | 1742.25 | 223.90 | 381.80 | 5.65e-9 | HST | STIS | F25SRF2 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140M grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25SRF2_G140L | 1425.92 | 1437.34 | 1458.99 | 1247.01 | 1725.00 | 233.33 | 387.22 | 5.71e-9 | HST | STIS | F25SRF2 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25NDQ4 | 1427.02 | 1450.71 | 1504.74 | 1150.00 | 1904.41 | 402.37 | 352.48 | 5.19e-9 | HST | STIS | F25NDQ4 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with no grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25SRF2 | 1452.57 | 1469.30 | 1490.67 | 1245.24 | 1898.18 | 285.13 | 413.39 | 5.87e-9 | HST | STIS | F25SRF2 filter for HST STIS_FUV, with no grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25QTZ_G140L | 1560.80 | 1565.67 | 1565.00 | 1451.65 | 1725.00 | 169.02 | 564.06 | 6.94e-9 | HST | STIS | F25QTZ filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140L grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25QTZ_G140M | 1563.99 | 1569.55 | 1568.51 | 1451.34 | 1742.25 | 168.03 | 564.78 | 6.92e-9 | HST | STIS | F25QTZ filter for HST STIS_FUV, with G140M grating |
HST/STIS_FUV.F25QTZ | 1595.45 | 1605.02 | 1602.06 | 1452.00 | 1925.06 | 226.03 | 582.41 | 6.86e-9 | HST | STIS | F25QTZ filter for HST STIS_FUV, with no grating |