HST/HSP_UV2.F145M_A | 1563.69 | 1585.90 | 1586.30 | 1215.02 | 2185.00 | 276.61 | 537.60 | 6.59e-9 | HST | HSP | F145M_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F145M_B | 1566.30 | 1589.04 | 1589.08 | 1215.07 | 2185.00 | 280.38 | 539.14 | 6.59e-9 | HST | HSP | F145M_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.PRISM_BLUE | 1575.60 | 1598.33 | 1596.67 | 1224.33 | 2185.00 | 284.05 | 547.85 | 6.62e-9 | HST | HSP | PRISM_BLUE filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F152M_A | 1651.33 | 1675.71 | 1662.53 | 1420.95 | 2355.00 | 313.93 | 606.11 | 6.66e-9 | HST | HSP | F152M_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F152M_B | 1654.78 | 1679.77 | 1666.11 | 1420.99 | 2355.00 | 320.38 | 607.61 | 6.65e-9 | HST | HSP | F152M_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F122M_A | 1591.57 | 1731.16 | 1848.47 | 1117.08 | 2685.00 | 418.07 | 372.80 | 4.41e-9 | HST | HSP | F122M_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F122M_B | 1603.98 | 1745.65 | 1858.03 | 1117.08 | 2685.00 | 434.91 | 381.54 | 4.45e-9 | HST | HSP | F122M_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F184W_A | 1944.07 | 1968.57 | 1946.98 | 1584.52 | 2731.92 | 400.65 | 730.18 | 5.79e-9 | HST | HSP | F184W_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F184W_B | 1947.16 | 1971.93 | 1950.00 | 1585.22 | 2781.85 | 401.13 | 731.01 | 5.78e-9 | HST | HSP | F184W_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F179M_A | 1924.52 | 2004.76 | 1939.18 | 1584.04 | 3271.61 | 294.36 | 718.55 | 5.82e-9 | HST | HSP | F179M_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F179M_B | 1931.22 | 2014.84 | 1946.53 | 1584.46 | 3272.50 | 297.86 | 720.37 | 5.79e-9 | HST | HSP | F179M_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F218M_A | 2186.67 | 2194.43 | 2185.90 | 1930.16 | 2799.42 | 195.22 | 781.61 | 4.9e-9 | HST | HSP | F218M_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F218M_B | 2187.49 | 2195.24 | 2186.71 | 1930.84 | 2803.35 | 195.42 | 781.71 | 4.9e-9 | HST | HSP | F218M_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F140LP_A | 2320.34 | 2420.69 | 2343.19 | 1444.27 | 3273.37 | 1140.33 | 809.17 | 4.51e-9 | HST | HSP | F140LP_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F140LP_B | 2330.17 | 2429.17 | 2352.94 | 1445.17 | 3273.57 | 1130.19 | 812.04 | 4.48e-9 | HST | HSP | F140LP_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F160LP_A | 2346.95 | 2437.06 | 2366.18 | 1570.49 | 3273.47 | 1120.65 | 819.21 | 4.46e-9 | HST | HSP | F160LP_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F160LP_B | 2355.18 | 2444.46 | 2374.54 | 1571.83 | 3273.67 | 1112.10 | 821.48 | 4.44e-9 | HST | HSP | F160LP_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F248M_A | 2475.11 | 2493.31 | 2480.96 | 1939.57 | 3052.26 | 394.38 | 824.18 | 4.03e-9 | HST | HSP | F248M_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F248M_B | 2476.32 | 2494.43 | 2482.22 | 1944.53 | 3053.63 | 394.46 | 824.53 | 4.03e-9 | HST | HSP | F248M_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F248M_B | Filter Description Filter ID (?) : | HST/HSP_UV2.F248M_B |
Description (?) : | F248M_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
Phot.System (?) : | HSP-UV2 |
Detector Type (?) : | Photon counter |
Band Name (?) : | ------ |
Obs. Facility (?) : | HST |
Instrument (?) : | HSP |
Comments (?) : | Response calculated using the stsynphot python package by STScI. In particular, function stsynphot.band("hsp,uv2,f248m,b"). Please, take a look to stsynphot documentation and HST instrument documentation |
| | Mathematical properties Property | Calculated | Specified | Unit | λref (?) : |
2476.32 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λmean (?) : |
2494.43 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λcen (?) : |
2491.46 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λeff (?) : |
2482.22 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λpeak (?) : |
2470.00 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λpivot (?) : |
2476.32 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λphot (?) : |
2494.84 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λmin (?) : |
1944.53 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
λmax (?) : |
3053.63 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
Weff (?) : |
394.46 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
FWHM (?) : |
357.75 | ------- | (Angstrom) |
Af/AV (?) : |
2.37 | ------- | () |
Fsun (?) : |
10.06 | ------- | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
| Transmission
Data file: ascii, VOTable Reference for filter response:
stsynphot documentation Transmission components: Filter + CCD + Instrumentid:HST/HSP_UV2.F248M_B | | Calibration properties
Vega System Property | Specified | Calculated | Unit | Zero Point (?) : |
------- |
4.031e-9 | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
------- |
824.53 | (Jy) |
PhotCal ID (?) : |
HST/HSP_UV2.F248M_B/Vega |
AB System Property | Specified | Calculated | Unit | Zero Point (?) : |
------- |
1.77514e-8 | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
------- |
3631.00 | (Jy) |
PhotCal ID (?) : |
ST System Property | Specified | Calculated | Unit | Zero Point (?) : |
------- |
3.631e-9 | (erg/cm2/s/A) |
------- |
742.71 | (Jy) |
PhotCal ID (?) : |
Filter added: 2019-07-16 12:14:16 Last update: 2022-03-01 15:17:26 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F262M_A | 2607.77 | 2622.43 | 2614.62 | 2070.98 | 3092.76 | 300.38 | 879.50 | 3.88e-9 | HST | HSP | F262M_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F262M_B | 2608.86 | 2623.30 | 2615.68 | 2075.24 | 3094.48 | 300.57 | 879.90 | 3.88e-9 | HST | HSP | F262M_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.PRISM_RED | 2619.81 | 2633.63 | 2626.63 | 2110.73 | 3121.47 | 305.47 | 884.78 | 3.86e-9 | HST | HSP | PRISM_RED filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F284M_A | 2743.42 | 2761.99 | 2754.06 | 2045.55 | 3219.31 | 367.57 | 946.56 | 3.77e-9 | HST | HSP | F284M_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F284M_B | 2744.52 | 2762.97 | 2755.14 | 2056.17 | 3219.78 | 367.30 | 947.06 | 3.77e-9 | HST | HSP | F284M_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F278N_A | 2766.57 | 2769.32 | 2767.79 | 2578.67 | 3039.47 | 158.54 | 948.58 | 3.72e-9 | HST | HSP | F278N_A filter for HST HSP_UV2 |
HST/HSP_UV2.F278N_B | 2766.71 | 2769.47 | 2767.94 | 2578.95 | 3039.86 | 158.64 | 948.64 | 3.72e-9 | HST | HSP | F278N_B filter for HST HSP_UV2 |