Isochrones and Evolutionary Tracks

SimDAL implementation

RepositorySimdal SearchData Access


SimDAL DataAccess: workflow

We have previously found, in a SimDAL Search, that isochrone for "age=0.8 Gyr" for the AMES-Dusty model can be found in:
  • SimDAL Data Access URL: http://[...]/ames_dusty/data/iso/
  • dataset=55
  1. We first need to get the URLs for the different DataAccess resources for this dataset.
    1. We query: http://[...]/ames_dusty/data/iso/datasets/?dataset=55
    2. We get three important URLs:
      • URL to retrieve the dataset "schema": http://[...]/ames_dusty/data/iso/schema/?dataset=55
      • URL to make a "cutout" of the data: http://[...]/ames_dusty/data/iso/cutout/?dataset=55
      • URL to see the available formats for rawdata download: http://[...]/ames_dusty/data/iso/rawdata/?dataset=55
  2. The first option is just downloading the full isochrone. To do that:
    1. We query: http://[...]/ames_dusty/data/iso/rawdata/?dataset=55
    2. We get two possible URLs for two different formats:
      • votable, mime-type: application/x-votable+xml
      • ascii: mime-type: text/plain
    3. We use the URL for the VOTable format and get the full isochrone.
    4. We can finish here.
  3. If we are only interested in a part of the data in the file, we have to make a cutout. In order to do that, we first need info about the fields available in the file for the cutout. To do that we require the "schema"
    1. We query: http://[...]/ames_dusty/data/iso/schema/?dataset=55
    2. We get 6 different fields and the available ranges of values:
      • t: (0.8,0.8) Gyr (value for the age of the star in Gyr)
      • m: (0.01,0.62) (M/Ms = mass in Msun)
      • teff: (525,3947) (value for the effective temperature for the star)
      • logg: (4.37,5.31) (log g)
      • logL: (-6.11,1.14) (log(L/Lsun))
      • Lum: (7.76e-7,0.07) (L/Lsun)
  4. We decide to retrieve only some of the columns (m,teff,logg,Lum) and restrict values to teff > 1700Gyr.
    1. We query: http://[...]/ames_dusty/data/iso/cutout/?dataset=55
    2. posting a json: {"where":[{":att":"teff",":op":">",":val":1700}],"select":["m","teff","logg","Lum"],"orderby":["m","asc"]}}
    3. And we get the corresponding VOTable with those data.