Available ResourcesStellar Libraries at SVOTheoretical Libraries at SVOExplore parametersCrossmatch librariesTutorial: TOPCATHelp-Desk

SVO Resources for Spectral Stellar Libraries

There are some resources available at the Spanish Virtual Observatory intended to be useful for the study of Spectral Stellar Libraries and, in particular, to the Virtual Observatory standardization of these libraries.
Stellar Libraries at SVO.
These are some Spectral Libraries implemented by the SVO including a web page but also SSAP, ConeSearch and DataLink VO protocols. This link opens in a different page.
Theoretical Libraries at SVO.
These are some Theoretical Spectral Libraries implemented by the SVO including a web page (but also the corresponding theoretical SSAP service). This link opens in a different page.
Explore parameter space for VO Stellar Libraries.
This is a small application that allows to explore the parameter space for several stellar libraries. Data are obtained from the VO SSAP services and plotted together.
Crossmatch VO Stellar Libraries.
This is a small application that allows to crossmatch several stellar libraries, that is, to find objects common to two or more libraries, make some very simple statistics about the parameter values given by different libraries for the same object and visualize or plot the results.
Crossmatch of VO Stellar Libraries with TOPCAT.
This is a simple tutorial on how to use TOPCAT to crossmatch VO catalogues, accessing the VO services one by one, and make some plots.
Other stellar libraries with VO services:

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