SimDAL Search: workflow
We have previously identified a project of interest and the corresponding SimdalSearch service:
- project: ames_dusty
- SimdalSearch URL: http://[...]/ames_dusty/search/
- We want to know how to make a search.
So we first ask for the available {views}.
- We query: http://[...]/ames_dusty/search/views/
- We get two possible views:
- view=iso for isochrones.
- view=track for evolutionary tracks.
- We choose the "iso" view that provides isochrones.
- We want to know what parameters can be used for a query.
So we ask for the "schema" of this view.
- We query: http://[...]/ames_dusty/search/schema/?view=iso
- We get two parameters:
- t: value for the age of the star in Gyr. Values in (0.001, 12) Gyr.
- fid: datafile identifier.
- We get also the base URL for the DataAccess sevice that gives access to files identified by "fid":
- http://[...]/ames_dusty/data/iso/
- We want isochrones with 0.5Gyr < Age < 2Gyr.
So we make a query (a cutout) to see what is available in that range.
- We query: http://[...]/ames_dusty/search/cutout/?view=iso
- posting a json: {"where":[{":att":"t",":op":">",":val":0.5},{":att":"t",":op":"<",":val":2}],"select":["t","fid"]}
- We get 5 isochrones t={0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0} Gyr. We choose one:
- t: 0.8 Gyr, dataset_id=55
- We can use now this dataset_id to query the DataAccess service.
- dataset_id=55
- SimDAL DataAccess URL: http://[...]/ames_dusty/data/iso/