Synthetic Photometry
|Stellar Spectra Models|Evolutionary Synthesis Models|Stellar Observational Templates|Planetary Models|

The SVO Theory Server provides synthetic photometry for 70 collections of theoretical spectra and observational templates (around 285000 spectra) and the 10980 filters in the SVO Filter Profile Service.

This is the synthetic photometry used by VOSA, for some of these collections, to analyse observed SEDs comparing them to theoretical data.

Using this web page you can search for spectra in each collection in terms of the corresponding grid parameter ranges and for a set of filters. Then you can visualize the photometry compared to the corresponding spectrum, and/or download it in ascii or VOTable format.

All these data are also available using the Virtual Observatory SSA protocol (click here for more info).

Stellar Spectra Models
AMES-Cond 2000
The AMES-Cond Model grid of theoretical spectra. Brown dwarfs/extrasolar planets atmosphere models without irradiation and no dust opacity (no dust settling). Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
AMES-Dusty 2000
The AMES-Dusty Model grid of theoretical spectra. Brown dwarfs/extrasolar planets atmosphere models without irradiation but including dust opacity (fully efficient dust settling). Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
ATMO 2020, CEQ
A set of atmosphere models for cool T-Y brown dwarfs and giant exoplanets. Equilibrium chemistry. Valid temperature range: 200-2000K. Only for solar metallicity.
ATMO 2020, NEQ strong
A set of atmosphere models for cool T-Y brown dwarfs and giant exoplanets. Non equilibrium chemistry (strong). Valid temperature range: 200-2000K. Only for solar metallicity.
ATMO 2020, NEQ weak
A set of atmosphere models for cool T-Y brown dwarfs and giant exoplanets. Non equilibrium chemistry (weak). Valid temperature range: 200-2000K. Only for solar metallicity.
The BT-COND Model grid of theoretical spectra. Brown dwarfs/extrasolar planets atmosphere models without irradiation and no dust opacity (no dust settling) but updated abundances. Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
The BT-DUSTY Model grid of theoretical spectra. Brown dwarfs/extrasolar planets atmosphere models without irradiation but including dust opacity (fully efficient dust settling) and updated abundances. Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
BT-NextGen (AGSS2009)
The NextGen Model grid of theoretical spectra; Gas phase only, valid for Teff > 2700 K. Updated opacities. Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
BT-NextGen (GNS93)
The NextGen Model grid of theoretical spectra; Gas phase only, valid for Teff > 2700 K. Updated opacities. Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
The BT-Settl Model grid of theoretical spectra; With a cloud model, valid across the entire parameter range. Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
BT-Settl (AGSS2009)
The BT-Settl Model grid of theoretical spectra; With a cloud model, valid across the entire parameter range. Using AGSS2009 abundances. Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
The BT-Settl Model grid of theoretical spectra. With a cloud model, valid across the entire parameter range and using the Caffau et al. (2011) solar abundances. Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
BT-Settl (GNS93)
The BT-Settl Model grid of theoretical spectra; With a cloud model, valid across the entire parameter range. Using GNS93 abundances. Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
BT-Settl 2014
Testing BT-Settl grid for extreme cases. (Allard priv. communication). Wavelengths have been converted to air wavelengths.
Black Body
Black Body flux. Teff from 10 to 200000 K
Coelho Synthetic stellar library (High Resolution)
High resolution theoretical stellar spectra covering 250 to 900nm, fully described in Coelho (2014).
Coelho Synthetic stellar library (SEDs)
Low resolution theoretical fluxes covering 130nm to 100micron, fully described in Coelho (2014).
Drift-Phoenix is a computer code that simulates the structure of an atmosphere including the formation of clouds. The code is part of the Phoenix-code family. Drift describes the formation of mineral clouds and allows to predict cloud details, like the size of the cloud particles and their composition
GRAMS, C-rich grid
GRAMS (Grid of Red supergiant and Asymptotic giant ModelS) is a grid of radiative transfer (RT) models for dust shells around red supergiant (RSG) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. This is the model grid for Carbon-rich stars
GRAMS, O-rich original grid
GRAMS (Grid of Red supergiant and Asymptotic giant ModelS) is a grid of radiative transfer (RT) models for dust shells around red supergiant (RSG) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. This is the model grid for Oxygen-rich stars
Granada HRES Library
A High-Resolution Stellar Library for Evolutionary Population Synthesis at 0.3 A resolution from 3000 to 7000 A based in PHOENIX, ATLAS9 and TLUSTY models and optimized for Evolutionary Population Synthesis codes as described in Martins et al. (2005)
Husfeld et al models for non-LTE Helium-rich stars
Husfeld et al models for non-LTE Helium-rich stars
Koester WD models
These models are for white dwarfs of spectral type DA with pure hydrogen atmospheres. They use LTE (local thermodynamic equilibrium), hydrostatic equilibrium and plane-parallel, one-dimensional structure. Basic methods and data are described in Koester (2010, Mem.S.A.It. Vol. 81, 921). Since then many improvements were implemented, most notably the hydrogen Stark profiles by Tremblay & Bergeron (2009, ApJ 696,1755), and Tremblay (2015, priv. comm).

Original models have been transformed to air wavelengths and rescaled to 4π*Eddington flux in erg/cm2/s/A. Models published with the author's permission.

Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER (2003)
ATLAS9 Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER models. Newly computed ODFs with better opacities and better abundances have been used.
Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER models
ATLAS9 Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER models. Newly computed ODFs with better opacities and better abundances have been used.
Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER, alpha: 0.0 (2003)
ATLAS9 Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER models. Newly computed ODFs with better opacities and better abundances have been used.
Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER, alpha: 0.4 (2003)
ATLAS9 Kurucz ODFNEW /NOVER models. Newly computed ODFs with better opacities and better abundances have been used.
Levenhagen 2017
A grid of LTE and non-LTE synthetic spectra of hot DA white dwarfs. It covers Teff from 17,000 K to 100,000 K and log(g) from 7.0 to 9.5. The stellar models are built for pure hydrogen and the spectra cover a wavelength range from 90 nm to 2.5 micron.
Morley 2012
Morley et al. 2012 T/Y dwarf models
Morley 2014
Morley et al. 2014 Y dwarf and exoplanet models
The NextGen Model grid of theoretical spectra.
NextGen (solar)
The NextGen Model grid of theoretical spectra. Only for solar metallicity.
Pacheco et al 2021
A Grid of Synthetic Spectra for Subdwarfs: NLTE line-blanketed atmosphere models
Saumon 2012
Saumon et al. 2012 T dwarf models
TLUSTY BSTAR2006 Grid: Early B-type stars, Teff = 15000K - 30000 K
TLUSTY OSTAR2002 Grid: O-type stars, Teff = 27500K - 55000 K
TLUSTY OSTAR2002+BSTAR2006 Grid, The merged files use the BSTAR2006 models for effective temperatures up to 30,000 K and the OSTAR2002 models for higher temperatures.
TMAP. Hydrogen+Helium NLTE Models
TMAP (Grid 1)
TMAP. Hydrogen+Helium NLTE Models
TMAP (Grid 2)
Tubingen NLTE Model Atmosphere Package. Grid for H=1, λmax ~ 4e5 A. 20.000 K < Teff < 150.000 K
TMAP (Grid 3)
Tubingen NLTE Model Atmosphere Package. Grid for H+He=1, λmax ~ 5e4 A. 50.000 K < Teff < 190.000 K
TMAP (Grid 4)
Tubingen NLTE Model Atmosphere Package. Grid for H+He=1, ~5 A < λ < ~3 106A. 20.000 K < Teff < 150.000 K
TMAP - Tubingen
Tubingen NLTE Model Atmosphere Package


Evolutionary Synthesis Models
POPSTAR with Chabrier IMF
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Chabrier (2003). This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
POPSTAR with Ferrini IMF
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Ferrini, Penco, Palla (1990). This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
POPSTAR with Kroupa IMF
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Kroupa (2002). This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
POPSTAR with Salpeter IMF (1)
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Salpeter (1955) with m=(0.85-120)Msun. This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
POPSTAR with Salpeter IMF (2)
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Salpeter (1955) with m=(0.15-100)Msun. This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
Sed@ Evolutionary Sinthesis models results (Cervińo & Luridiana 2006) using Granada HRES Library and presented in González-Delgado et al. 2005.


Stellar Observational Templates
Bayo et al, M types from Collinder 69
Complete M spectral type sequence for a sample of confirm young sources (members of Collinder 69, ~5-20 Myr). Be aware that most spectra are not flux calibrated.
Keck LRIS spectra of late-M, L and T dwarfs
These spectra were obtained between 1997 and 1999; they are all flux calibrated and generally span the wavelength range 6000-10,000 A. Spectral types are on the Kirkpatrick et al system as defined in Kirkpatrick et al ApJS, 77, 417 (1991 - for M dwarfs) and Kirkpatrick et al ApJ 519, 802 (1999 - L dwarfs). While not all of these stars are primary spectral standards, they are all bright and should provide an adequate reference sequence.
Kesseli et al.
An empirical library of stellar spectra created using spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey’s Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS).
L and T dwarf data archive
L and T dwarf data from Chiu et al. 2006, Golimowski et al. 2004 and Knapp et al. 2004
~1000 stars spanning a large range in atmospheric parameters. The spectra were obtained at the 2.5m INT telescope and cover the range 3525-7500 Ĺ at 2.5 Ĺ (FWHM) spectral resolution
MUSE 1d Spectral Library
MUSE Spectral Library (MSL), consisting of 35 high-quality spectra of stars covering the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, and verified the continuum shape of our spectra with synthetic broadband colours.
The objective of the STELIB Stellar Library is to build an homogeneous library of stellar spectra in the visible range (3200 to 9500A), including stars of all spectral types, luminosity classes and metallicity that can be observed from the ground with the current instrumentation.
The NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey
The Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey (BDSS), established in 1998 by Dr. Ian McLean in collaboration with Dr. J. Davy Kirkpatrick at IPAC, is designed to study near-infrared moderate-to-high resolution spectra for a large sample of low-mass stars and sub-stellar mass objects in the M and newly defined L and T dwarf classes.
The SpeX Prism Spectral Libraries
The SpeX Prism Spectral Libraries
A high-resolution (R = 40000), flux calibrated, optical+NIR (6400-8900A) library of late type subdwarfs, from late K to M9.5, obtained with UVES at VLT. The library is described in Rajpurohit et al. (2014)


Planetary Models
Exogan. Atmospheric Library of Far Away Worlds
Goyal local
Fully scalable forward model grid of exoplanet transmission spectra. Considering local condensation only.
Goyal rainout
Fully scalable forward model grid of exoplanet transmission spectra. Considering global condensation and removal of species from the atmospheric column (rainout).
Morley2015 Cloud free
Cloud free models of GJ 1214b “analogs” from Morley et al. 2015. Emission spectra.
Morley2015 Cloud free (Transm.)
Cloud free models of GJ 1214b “analogs” from Morley et al. 2015. Transmission spectra.
Morley2015 Cloudy
Cloudy models of GJ 1214b “analogs” from Morley et al. 2015. Emission spectra.
Morley2015 Cloudy (Transm.)
Cloudy models of GJ 1214b “analogs” from Morley et al. 2015. Transmission spectra.
Morley2015 Haze (Soot)
Hazed (Soot flavour) models of GJ 1214b “analogs” from Morley et al. 2015. Emission spectra.
Morley2015 Haze (Soot) (Transm.)
Hazed (Soot flavour) models of GJ 1214b “analogs” from Morley et al. 2015. Transmission spectra.
Morley2015 Haze (Tholin)
Hazed (Tholin flavour) models of GJ 1214b “analogs” from Morley et al. 2015. Emission spectra.
Morley2015 Haze (Tholin) (Transm.)
Hazed (Tholin flavour) models of GJ 1214b “analogs” from Morley et al. 2015. Transmission spectra.


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