

S3Wizard is an application designed to easily implement your own VO services for theoretical models.

Download it

Version 0.01 (2008/06/25): s3wizard.tar.gz


  • It is programmed in Php, with a web interface.
  • It needs a working Mysql server for the database (and you will need a user/password for that server in order to configure your services)
  • It works as a web application, so you need a working web server (Apache is where we have tested it)

Installing instructions

Some Help

In summary, you only need to unpack the tar file in some directory under your main htdocs web server directory and point a browser to the application.

The S3Wizard is designed with the idea that you can use it without further instructions (just read the information in the web pages and, where available, put your mouse over the [?] signs and you will obtain more information.

IMPORTANT installation note

After unpacking the tar file, you need to change permissions of two directories so that the web server is able to write them.

The two directories are:

  • BASEPATH/s3wizard/temp
  • BASEPATH/s3p/config

(where BASEPATH is the directory where you have installed the files)

The good way to do this should be (under linux)

  • chown -R www-data:www-data BASEPATH/s3wizard/temp
  • chown -R www:www-data BASEPATH/s3p/config

where www-data is the user owner of the web server processes. If you don't understand this (or you don't know which is the user doing that) try:

  • chmod -R ugo+rwx BASEPATH/s3wizard/temp
  • chmod -R ugo+rwx BASEPATH/s3p/config

that should be enough.

If you don't understand this, or you are installing this under windows or some other different operative system, please, ask your system administrator.

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