This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-SPACE-2013-1) for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 606740
Kepler-22 b
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Stellar parameters and planets on the system

Host Star: KOI-87 KOI-87 System planets
RA 289.21747
Teff 5518
Radius 0.979
Mass 0.97
DEC 47.88443
Spectral Type EU G5
V Mag 12
I Mag 0
Distance 190
J Mag 0
H Mag 0
K Mag 0
Planet Name Planet Mass Planet Radius Semi Major Axis Orbital Period Eccentricity Inclination
Kepler-22 b 0.11 0.21 0.849 289.8623 0 89.764
Photosferic properties via VOSA

Photometric data catalogues and tools:


No observations availables in Tess archives for this object (yet)

Spectroscopic data catalogues:


OHP archives:
Available observations data for KOI-87

Spectra timeseries observations in SOPHIE OHP archive.

Cross correlation functions in SOPHIE archive, with Radial velocity

List of Spectra timeseries observations in ELODIE archive

Cross correlation functions in ELODIE archive, with Radial velocity

La Palma, CAHA, Keck, ESO archives

Kepler-22 b
Planet parameters

Planet Name Planet Mass Planet Radius Semi Major Axis Orbital Period Eccentricity Inclination Tidally Locked Angular Distance Primary Transit Source (JD) Calculated Planet Temperature(K) Molecules Star Distance
Kepler-22 b 0.11 0.21 0.849 289.8623 0 89.764 0.004468 2454966.6983 0 190

Direct access and visualization for NASA archive



Désert et al. 2015 phot Spitzer Space Telescope satelliteInfrared Array Camera (IRAC)1DESERT ET AL 2015 We use Warm-Spitzer/IRAC (Werner et al. 2004;Fazio et al. 2004) at 4.5 to observe transits of the 51 selected KOIs between May 2010 and July 2012. We obtained these observations as part of two large Science Exploration Programs (program ID 60028 and 80117). In total, 1400 hours of Spitzer time is used for the follow-up of Kepler targets. As described in Desert et al. (2011a), we use a transit light curve model multiplied by instrumental decorrelation functions to measure the transit parameters andtheir uncertainties from the Spitze rdata. We computethe transit light curves with the IDL transit routine OCCULTSMALL from Mandel & Agol (2002). This modeldepends on the following parameters: the planet-to-starradius ratio ; the orbital semi-major axis to stellar-radius ratio (system scale);, the impact parameter b, the time of mid transit Tc, and limb darkening coefficients.
Désert et al. 2015 phot The Kepler MissionKepler CCD Array1DESERT ET AL 2015 Kepler detects transiting planetary candidates signals through continuous photometric monitoring of about 160 000 stars at high photometric precision We use Spitzer observations to rule-out false positive scenarios. The applied methodology makes use of the transit depths measured with Spitzer and with Kepler