(You can download this tutorial and all the related files as a .tgz file.)
This is out of the scope of this tutorial.
We asume that apache-mysql-php are already installed.
Many tutorials in the web (google for "install lamp in...")
For instance, for ubuntu:
In general it is as easy as:
$ sudo apt-get install tasksel $ sudo tasksel install lamp-server
$ sudo apt install apache2 $ sudo apt install mysql-server mysql-client $ sudo apt install php-pear php-fpm php-dev php-zip php-curl php-xmlrpc php-gd php-mysql php-mbstring php-xml libapache2-mod-php $ sudo service apache2 restart
For this tutorial we will need:
$ mysqladmin -u root -p create mydb Enter password: $ mysql -u root -p Enter password: mysql> grant all privileges on mydb.mytest to 'heiuser'@'localhost' identified by 'heipass'; mysql>exit
We have a CSV file (mytest.csv) with 9 columns:
We create a file named create_table.my (the name is not important) with the definition of the columns that we need in the database:
drop table if exists mytest; create table mytest ( id int not null auto_increment, objID char(255), RAdeg double, DECdeg double, magr double, sig_magr double, epoch int, magJ double, magH double, magKs double, primary key (id), index idx_ra (RAdeg), index idx_dec (DECdeg));
We can use this file to easily create the table in the database
$ mysql -u root -p mydb < create_table.my Enter password:
We can use the mysqlimport command to load all the content of the CSV file into the mysql table.
$ mysqlimport -u root -p --local --fields-terminated-by=, --columns=objID,RAdeg,DECdeg,magr,sig_magr,epoch,magJ,magH,magKs mydb mytest.csv Enter password:
help on mysqlimport:
$ mysqlimport --help
or, for instance:
others would be good too, for instance:
go to somewhere under the web documents folder (usually /var/www/html/ ), for instance:
$ cd /var/www/html/vocats/helloworld/
open a text editor:
$ emacs cs0.php &
and we write an extremely simple PHP program:
<?php echo "Hello!" ?>
If you are reproducing this tutorial in your own machine, for instance, your laptop, all url's will start by "http://localhost/vocats/helloworld/...". That is, the path of the files in your computer replacing "/var/www/html/" (the path to the base document folder of your Apache web server) by "http://localhost/".
Instead, if your machine has a real internet domain asigned (for instance "mydomain.net"), all url's will start as "http://www.mydomain.net/vocats/helloworldy/..." (the same than above but replacing "http://localhost/" by "http://www.mydomain.net/".
Here, all captures will show "http://localhost/" in the url's.
When we open it in a browser we should see a simple "Hello!":
We edit it and introduce the basic structure:
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ ( E_NOTICE | E_WARNING | E_DEPRECATED)); $RA=$_REQUEST['RA']; $DEC=$_REQUEST['DEC']; $SR=$_REQUEST['SR']; if(check_params($RA,$DEC,$SR)==0) { show_error("Error"); } else { $data=make_mysql_query($RA,$DEC,$SR); show_votable($data); } function check_params($RA,$DEC,$SR) { return 0; } function make_mysql_query($RA,$DEC,$SR) { return array(); } function show_votable($data) { echo "This is the votable"; } function show_error($text) { echo "one error: $text"; } ?>
when we open it in a browser we see an error because the function "check_params" returns always 0 (by now)
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ ( E_NOTICE | E_WARNING | E_DEPRECATED)); header('Content-type: text/xml'); $RA=$_REQUEST['RA']; $DEC=$_REQUEST['DEC']; $SR=$_REQUEST['SR']; if(check_params($RA,$DEC,$SR)==0) { show_error("Error in input values. You need to specify RA, DEC, SR with values so that RA:(0,180), DEC:(-90,90), SR:(0,180)"); } else { $data=make_mysql_query($RA,$DEC,$SR); show_votable($data); } function check_params($RA,$DEC,$SR) { return 0; } function make_mysql_query($RA,$DEC,$SR) { return array(); } function show_votable($data) { echo "This is the votable"; } function show_error($text) { echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\n"; echo '<!DOCTYPE VOTABLE SYSTEM "http://us-vo.org/xml/VOTable.dtd">'."\n"; echo '<VOTABLE version="1.0">'."\n"; echo '<DESCRIPTION>This is a test SCS Service</DESCRIPTION>'."\n"; echo '<INFO ID="Error" name="Error" value="'.$text.'"/>'."\n"; echo '</VOTABLE>'."\n"; } ?>
We implement the real check of input parameters and a simple votable when inputs are ok
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ ( E_NOTICE | E_WARNING | E_DEPRECATED)); header('Content-type: text/xml'); $RA=$_REQUEST['RA']; $DEC=$_REQUEST['DEC']; $SR=$_REQUEST['SR']; if(check_params($RA,$DEC,$SR)==0) { show_error("Error in input values. You need to specify RA, DEC, SR with values so that RA:(0,180), DEC:(-90,90), SR:(0,180)"); } else { $data=make_mysql_query($RA,$DEC,$SR); show_votable($data); } function check_params($RA,$DEC,$SR) { if(strlen($RA)==0 || strlen($DEC)==0 || strlen($SR)==0 || $RA < 0 || $RA > 180 || $RA < -90 || $DEC > 90 || $SR <= 0 || $SR > 180 ) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } function make_mysql_query($RA,$DEC,$SR) { return array(); } function show_votable($data) { echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\n"; echo '<!DOCTYPE VOTABLE SYSTEM "http://us-vo.org/xml/VOTable.dtd">'."\n"; echo '<VOTABLE version="1.0">'."\n"; echo '<DESCRIPTION>This is a test SCS Service</DESCRIPTION>'."\n"; echo '<INFO ID="ok" name="ok" value="GOOOOOD"/>'."\n"; echo '</VOTABLE>'."\n"; } function show_error($text) { echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\n"; echo '<!DOCTYPE VOTABLE SYSTEM "http://us-vo.org/xml/VOTable.dtd">'."\n"; echo '<VOTABLE version="1.0">'."\n"; echo '<DESCRIPTION>This is a test SCS Service</DESCRIPTION>'."\n"; echo '<INFO ID="Error" name="Error" value="'.$text.'"/>'."\n"; echo '</VOTABLE>'."\n"; } ?>
Finally, we implement the real mysql search and, once we have the data, we format them correctly in show_votable()
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ ( E_NOTICE | E_WARNING | E_DEPRECATED)); header('Content-type: text/xml'); $RA=$_REQUEST['RA']; $DEC=$_REQUEST['DEC']; $SR=$_REQUEST['SR']; if(check_params($RA,$DEC,$SR)==0) { show_error("Error in input values. You need to specify RA, DEC, SR with values so that RA:(0,180), DEC:(-90,90), SR:(0,180)"); } else { $data=make_mysql_query($RA,$DEC,$SR); show_votable($data); } function check_params($RA,$DEC,$SR) { if(strlen($RA)==0 || strlen($DEC)==0 || strlen($SR)==0 || $RA < 0 || $RA > 180 || $RA < -90 || $DEC > 90 || $SR <= 0 || $SR > 180 ) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } function make_mysql_query($RA,$DEC,$SR) { $host='localhost'; $user='heiuser'; $pass='heipass'; $database='mydb'; $table='mytest'; $link = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass,$database) or die ("<br>Could not connect to database server"); $query=sprintf("select * from $table limit 10"); $RA=sprintf("%g",$RA); $DEC=sprintf("%g",$DEC); $SR=sprintf("%g",$SR); $query = "select *, (180/pi())*acos(cos((90-DECdeg)*pi()/180)*cos((90-$DEC)*pi()/180)+ sin((90-DECdeg)*pi()/180)*sin((90-$DEC)*pi()/180)*cos((RAdeg-$RA)*pi()/180)) as pdis from $table where ((RAdeg>=($RA-$SR) and RAdeg<=($RA+$SR)) or (RAdeg-360>=($RA-$SR) and RAdeg-360<=($RA+$SR))) and DECdeg>=($DEC-$SR) and DECdeg<=($DEC+$SR) having pdis < $SR order by pdis limit 10"; $results = mysqli_query($link,$query) or die("<br>select query aborted"); $i=0; while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results)) { $data[$i]=$row; $i++; } mysqli_close($link); return $data; } function show_votable($data) { echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\n"; echo '<!DOCTYPE VOTABLE SYSTEM "http://us-vo.org/xml/VOTable.dtd">'."\n"; echo '<VOTABLE version="1.0">'."\n"; echo ' <RESOURCE>'."\n"; echo ' <DESCRIPTION>'."\n"; echo ''; echo ' </DESCRIPTION>'."\n"; echo ' <TABLE>'."\n"; echo ' <FIELD name="objID" datatype="char" arraysize="*" ucd="ID_MAIN"/>'."\n"; echo ' <FIELD name="RAdeg" datatype="double" unit="degree" ucd="POS_EQ_RA_MAIN"/>'."\n"; echo ' <FIELD name="DECdeg" datatype="double" unit="degree" ucd="POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN"/>'."\n"; echo ' <FIELD name="magr" datatype="double" ucd="phot.mag"/>'."\n"; echo ' <FIELD name="sig_magr" datatype="double" ucd="stat.error;phot.mag"/>'."\n"; echo ' <FIELD name="magJ" datatype="double" ucd="phot.mag;em.IR.J"/>'."\n"; echo ' <FIELD name="magH" datatype="double" ucd="phot.mag;em.IR.H"/>'."\n"; echo ' <FIELD name="magKs" datatype="double" ucd="phot.mag;em.IR.K"/>'."\n"; echo ' <FIELD name="epoch" datatype="double" ucd="time.epoch"/>'."\n"; echo ' <DATA>'."\n"; echo ' <TABLEDATA>'."\n"; for($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++) { echo ' <TR>'."\n"; echo ' <TD>'.$data[$i]['objID'].'</TD>'."\n"; echo ' <TD>'.$data[$i]['RAdeg'].'</TD>'."\n"; echo ' <TD>'.$data[$i]['DECdeg'].'</TD>'."\n"; echo ' <TD>'.$data[$i]['magr'].'</TD>'."\n"; echo ' <TD>'.$data[$i]['sig_magr'].'</TD>'."\n"; echo ' <TD>'.$data[$i]['magJ'].'</TD>'."\n"; echo ' <TD>'.$data[$i]['magH'].'</TD>'."\n"; echo ' <TD>'.$data[$i]['magKs'].'</TD>'."\n"; echo ' <TD>'.$data[$i]['epoch'].'</TD>'."\n"; echo ' </TR>'."\n"; } echo ' </TABLEDATA>'."\n"; echo ' </DATA>'."\n"; echo ' </TABLE>'."\n"; echo ' </RESOURCE>'."\n"; echo '</VOTABLE>'."\n"; } function show_error($text) { echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\n"; echo '<!DOCTYPE VOTABLE SYSTEM "http://us-vo.org/xml/VOTable.dtd">'."\n"; echo '<VOTABLE version="1.0">'."\n"; echo '<DESCRIPTION>This is a test SCS Service</DESCRIPTION>'."\n"; echo '<INFO ID="Error" name="Error" value="'.$text.'"/>'."\n"; echo '</VOTABLE>'."\n"; } ?>
where we have used the CDS UCD Builder to find adequate UCD's for our columns
and when we run a correct query we obtain the desired VOTable with the answer.
Choose one of the available registries, for instance: Euro-VO Registry
Register a new user: