This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-SPACE-2013-1) for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 606740
WASP-17 b
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TYC 6787-1927-1
Stellar parameters and planets on the system

Host Star: TYC 6787-1927-1 TYC 6787-1927-1 System planets
RA 239.96228
Teff 6650
Radius 1.38
Mass 1.2
DEC -28.061758
Spectral Type EU F4
V Mag 11.6
I Mag 0
Distance 0
J Mag 0
H Mag 0
K Mag 0
Planet Name Planet Mass Planet Radius Semi Major Axis Orbital Period Eccentricity Inclination
WASP-17 b 0.486 1.991 0.0515 3.735438 0.028 86.83
Photosferic properties via VOSA

Photometric data catalogues and tools:


Light curve files contain flux time series data and are produced for each target using simple aperture photometry. These are used to search for transiting planets and other astrophysical phenomena. The flux and uncertainties are provided at each cadence, with NaNs filling in any missing data values. TESS light curves are FITS format files that contain the output of the photometric extraction and subsequent systematics removal (cotrending) performed by the SPOC algorithms. A single light curve file contains the data for one target for on observing sector. If a target was observed in more than one TESS sector, multiple light curve files will be created but they may be made available on the MAST in separate deliveries.
Here there are the plotted Light Curves from each Observation Fits file whit the Data validation auxiliary products created by the Tess pipeline.

WASP-17 b
Planet parameters

Planet Name Planet Mass Planet Radius Semi Major Axis Orbital Period Eccentricity Inclination Tidally Locked Angular Distance Primary Transit Source (JD) Calculated Planet Temperature(K) Molecules Star Distance
WASP-17 b 0.486 1.991 0.0515 3.735438 0.028 86.83 0 2454577.85806 0 C, K, Na, O I 0

Direct access and visualization for NASA archive



Bento et al. 2014 (phot)Mandell et al. 2013 (spec)Sedaghati et al. 2016 (spec)Sing et al. 2016 (spec)Sing et al. 2016 (spec)Sing et al. 2016 (phot)Wood et al. 2011 (spec)Exoplanets-A reduction (primary transit)Exoplanets-A reduction (primary transit)WASP-17bWavelength (micron)Transit Depth (Percentage)
Bento et al. 2014 phot New Technology TelescopeULTRACAM3BENTO ET AL 2014. The ULTRACAM instrument (Dhillon et al. 2007) consists of a set of 3 frame-transfer CCD cameras that image a field simultaneously through different filters. The incoming beam from the telescope is split using dichroic beamsplitters and directed onto each individualCCD, thereby allowing simultaneous high-precision photometry in 3 separate bands with a negligible read-out time (≈24ms) Simultaneous observations of this kind are additionally robust against variability in the system properties, such as stellar activity on time-scales similar to the orbital period of the planet and variability in the characteristics of the planetary system, both in terms of globalweather and the presence of moons, which may be different in separate transits. We use a combination of filters that can test the presence of TiO opacity, Rayleigh scattering and NaI absorption in the atmosphere of our selected targets. Using the SDSS u',g'and r' filters we can test both the presence of enhanced TiO opacity or a Rayleigh scattering dominated atmosphere from the transit depth differences between the u' and g' filters.
Mandell et al. 2013 spec Hubble Space Telescope satelliteWide Field Camera 319MANDELL ET AL 2013 Observations were taken with the G141 grism on WFC3 infrared channel, providing slitless spectra covering the wavelength range 1.1 microns to 1.7 microns at a maximum resolving power of 130 at 1.4 microns
Sedaghati et al. 2016 spec Very Large Telescope (Antu)FORS241SEDAGHATI ET AL 2016 . The observations were performed with the 600RI grism plusthe GG435 order sorter filter, covering the wavelength range of 0.55 to 0.83 microns
Sing et al. 2016 spec Hubble Space Telescope satelliteSpace Telescope Imaging Spectrograph25SING ET AL 2016 . We observed two transits of each target with the HTS STIS G430L grating, and one with the STIS G750L. The G430L and G750L data sets contain tipically 43 to 53 spectra, which span either four or five spacecraft orbits and were taken with a wide 52 x 2 arcsec slit to minimize slit light losses. The G430L grating covers the wavelenght range from 0.29 to 057 microns, while the G750L grating covers 0.524 to 1.0270 microns
Sing et al. 2016 spec Hubble Space Telescope satelliteWide Field Camera 312SING ET AL 2016 . The WFC3 observations of WASP-17b were observed in stare mode, rather than with spatial scanning, and therefore have generally poorer overall photometric precision.
Sing et al. 2016 phot Spitzer Space Telescope satelliteInfrared Array Camera (IRAC)2SING ET AL 2016 . The HST survey was complemented by photometric transit observations of all eight targets at 3.6 and 4. 5 microns using the Spitzer Space TelescopeInfrared Array Camera (IRAC) instrument.
Wood et al. 2011 spec The Very Large TelescopeGIRAFFE2WOOD ET AL 2011. We obtained 24 spectra with the GIRAFFE spectrograph on the VLT, eight during transit. The integrated flux in the sodium doublet at wavelengths 0.588995 and 0.589592 microns was measured at bandwidths 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 microns.
Exoplanets-A (CASCADe) spec HSTWFC314Exoplanets-A reduction
CASCADE v. 1.0.0
Exoplanets-A (CASCADe) spec HSTWFC325Exoplanets-A reduction
CASCADE v. 1.0.0