Filter Profile Service
Carlos Rodrigo
A repository of Filter information for the VO.
Grant PID2020-112494GBI00 funded by
Astronomy (7911)Planetary science (616)Earth Obs. (2452)

Himawari :The Himawari (ひまわり, sunflower) geostationary satellites, operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), support weather forecasting, tropical cyclone tracking, and meteorology research.
Himawari/GMS1 :Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS-1) aka Himawari-1, Visible-Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR)

Himawari/GMS1.Vis6100.886253.325953.564621.548730.152177.793298.472.66e-9Himawari-1VISSRHimawari GMS1 Vis spectral response
Himawari/GMS1.IR113972.97114591.79113016.05101425.43140000.0016834.1729.516.81e-14Himawari-1VISSRHimawari GMS1 IR spectral response
Filter Description

Filter ID (?) :Himawari/GMS1.IR
Description (?) :Himawari GMS1 IR spectral response
Phot.System (?) :GMS1
Detector Type (?) :Photon counter
Band Name (?) :------
Obs. Facility (?) :Himawari-1
Instrument (?) :VISSR
Comments (?) :------

Mathematical properties

Property Calculated Specified Unit
λref (?) : 113972.97 ------- (Angstrom)
λmean (?) : 114591.79 ------- (Angstrom)
λcen (?) : 113823.40 ------- (Angstrom)
λeff (?) : 113016.05 ------- (Angstrom)
λpeak (?) : 110000.00 ------- (Angstrom)
λpivot (?) : 113972.97 ------- (Angstrom)
λphot (?) : 113397.58 ------- (Angstrom)
λmin (?) : 101425.43 ------- (Angstrom)
λmax (?) : 140000.00 ------- (Angstrom)
Weff (?) : 16834.17 ------- (Angstrom)
FWHM (?) : 18581.86 ------- (Angstrom)
Af/AV (?) : 0.0454 ------- ()
Fsun (?) : 0.0147 ------- (erg/cm2/s/A)


Data file: ascii, VOTable

Reference for filter response: Himawari User's guide

Transmission components: Filter + CCD + Instrumentid:Himawari/GMS1.IR

Calibration properties

Vega System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 6.80963e-14(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 29.51(Jy)
ZP Type (?) : Pogson
PhotCal ID (?) : Himawari/GMS1.IR/Vega

AB System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 8.37998e-12(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 3631.00(Jy)
ZP Type (?) : Pogson
PhotCal ID (?) : Himawari/GMS1.IR/AB

ST System
PropertySpecified Calculated Unit
Zero Point (?) : ------- 3.631e-9(erg/cm2/s/A)
  ------- 1573291.83(Jy)
ZP Type (?) : Pogson
PhotCal ID (?) : Himawari/GMS1.IR/ST

Filter added: 2020-08-18 23:13:08
Last update: 2021-07-27 19:27:37

Filter Plots

© SVO,   (SVO Privacy Policy),   10976 filters available,   Last update: 2025-01-21
If your research benefits from the use of the SVO Filter Profile Service, we would appreciate if you could include the following acknowledgement in your publication:

This research has made use of the SVO Filter Profile Service "Carlos Rodrigo", funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ through grant PID2023-146210NB-I00

and we would appreciate if you could include the following references in your publication: