CSTAR :The original CSTAR (Chinese Small Telescope ARray) consisted of four identical f/1.2 Schmidt telescopes. Each telescope had an entrance aperture of 145 mm and a 4.5x4.5 deg. field of view. The telescopes used Andor 1k x 1k CCDs with a pixel size of 13 microns, giving 15 arcseconds per pixel. CSTAR/CSTAR2 :CSTAR#1, first telescope of the CSTAR array. Mounts only a g filter.id:CSTAR/CSTAR2.a |
CSTAR/CSTAR2.g | 4672.34 | 4732.01 | 4618.97 | 3689.25 | 5947.43 | 1301.66 | 4121.67 | 5.66e-9 | CSTAR | CSTAR | CSTAR2 g filter |
Filter Plots